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Steam Games Login Instructions

Does the account you purchased have a Family PIN?

If you're not sure what a Family PIN is, an explanation is provided below.

What is a Family PIN, and how can I find out if one is set on the account?

Please log in to Steam using the provided username and password, and be sure to check the ‘Remember Me’ box.

Some sections may appear faded, and you might not be able to access certain tabs.

If you try to access any of these tabs, you will be prompted for a Family PIN.

If you do not encounter a Family PIN when clicking on any tab, it means your account does not have a Family PIN.

However, if you see a prompt for a Family PIN on even one tab, it indicates that your account does have a Family PIN.

Based on this information, please use the buttons above to indicate the Family PIN status of your account.

Are you experiencing issues with your account? Please click here.