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Steam Games Login Instructions Family Pin

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You must download Steam. If you already have Steam, log out from your own account.

Please log in to Steam using the provided username and password, and be sure to check the ‘Remember Me’ box.

Select the game you purchased, and as shown in the screenshot, click on the checkmark and choose ‘This Computer’ to start downloading the game.

Start the game online just once. After waiting for one minute, exit the game from the menu.

After exiting the game, click on the settings icon in your library.

In the General section, click on ‘Manage Cloud Settings. (If you can’t see Steam Cloud option, you can skip these steps)

Make sure the ‘Enable Steam Cloud’ option is disabled. Steam Cloud should be turned off.

Click on ‘Steam’ in the top left corner, then select ‘Go Offline.’ You can now start your game and play.